Tracey Cox

Six good reasons why men love sex toys too
Bigger erections, transformed everyday positions and out-of-this-world orgasms. What are you waiting for? (more…)
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The best sex toys to tease
You’ll often see the words ‘tease’ and ‘sex’ in the same sentence because the former is such an effective way to keep long-term sex alive.Teasing works on the ‘intermittent reinforcement’ principle: if you reward someone every time they expect it,...
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How to age-proof your libido
There's lot of new research suggesting sex actually gets better with age. (more…)
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Sex spy: what’s the best sex you’ve ever had?
Was it bedding the person you’d been lusting after for years? Having sex somewhere you definitely shouldn’t? Ticking something off the sex bucket list? Or doing it in a position or place that couldn’t be beaten? (more…)
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