Tracey Cox

I’ve run out of ideas of what to do in bed
We all know we're supposed to try 'new' things in bed to keep everything spicy. But what if you can't think of anything? Lots of couples think the 'new' thing has to be something crazy kinky to work. It doesn't....
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How to have lust that lasts (Part 2)
It's a depressing but inevitable reality that the lovely sexed-up beginning bit of relationships - 'the honeymoon' - has to end. There's a reason why we don't stay bathed in those delicious infatuation chemicals: it's emotionally and physically impossible to...
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How do I give my partner a prostate massage?
Question:What’s a prostate massage? My new partner wants me to give him one and I agreed because I didn’t want to look stupid but I actually have no idea what it is! Can you tell me what it is and...
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I have never been able to orgasm without a vibrator. Should I just accept this?
Question: I have never been able to have a vaginal orgasm. I am fine with it because I own a vibrator and can orgasm on my own.  I have tried to use my vibrator during sex but it doesn’t work so it’s...
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