Tracey Cox

7 innocent items in your bedroom that kill your sex life
They look innocent enough but these every day items wreak havoc on the average couple’s sex life. Banish them from your bedroom and you’re instantly in store for better, more frequent sex! (more…)
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Could faking it help you have a real orgasm?
The answer, surprisingly, is yes! Up to 80 percent of women fake orgasms at some point, according to research - and that might not be a bad thing. Turns out some women fake it in order to make it a...
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8 penis myths – busted!
No other part of the human body is more shrouded in myth and folklore than man’s most precious part - the penis. There are so many stubborn myths surrounding those six inches (except it’s actually not six inches), even savvy...
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Is your weight affecting your sex life?
Fifty percent of British women have put off sex - even when they’re in the mood - because they felt too fat. “Bedroom body shame is ruining sex for an alarming, growing number of women, from the petite to the...
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