Tracey Cox

Help! My man wants me to masturbate in front of him.
Question: My new man has told me that he gets off on the idea of me masturbating in front of him. I have never done anything like this before in front of previous partners and am happy to go with...
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The seven things most women believe about men and sex that simply aren’t true
Why you need to dismiss these silly sex assumptions society makes about men that actually have little or no basis in fact. He’ll thank you for it – and you’ll feel better as well! (more…)
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What really happens during a real life threesome
Threesomes consistently top the 'Fantasies I'd most like to take through to reality' list for both sexes. But there's an enormous difference between watching one online and having one in reality. Of all the fantasies couples choose to act out,...
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Sex is better when you’re young (and other myths about sex that won’t go away)
As someone who's written about sex for more than three decades (yes, that old!), I find it rather depressing that some of the sex myths that were kicking around when I was studying psychology at university are still widely believed...
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