Tracey Cox

‘He had to order in special condoms’: the eight worst things to tell a new lover
It’s an inherently human characteristic to want to share everything with someone we’ve fallen in love with. Talking about your past is all part of the ‘I want to know everything about you’ beginning bit, when you don’t just want...
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First time anal sex: all you need to know
While growing in popularity, within relationships anal sex can still be a divisive and delicate subject to broach.Generally speaking, most men are keen to give it a go while most women are more cautious. Interestingly, gay men also approach their...
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Is there any harm in cheating if my partner never finds out?
Question: I am about to go on a holiday with my girlfriends who are all married. We’ve all been with our partners for ages and started talking about what would happen if any of us did anything naughty out there...
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