Tracey Cox

About to sleep with someone for the very first time? Here’s what they’re thinking as you strip off
Whether it’s a Tinder hook-up or a long-awaited first night with a potential love of your life, getting naked for the first time can be nerve wracking!You won’t be the first person to wonder what your new lover is thinking...
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The definitive guide to giving her great oral sex
To be really, really good at giving oral sex, you have to be a generous person who enjoys giving as much as receiving. Being able to deliver delicious oral sex has nothing to do with being born with a big...
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Taboo sex: why does the kinky stuff turn us on so much?
Kinky sex is coming out of the closet: 84 per cent of us would like more ‘kink’ in our sex lives, and more people than ever identify with being ‘kinky’.Voyeurism, masochism, fetishism – they’re all still classified as ‘deviant’ behaviours...
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Why does he prefer watching porn to having sex with me?
Want to sort your sex life - fast? This is the second in a series of blogs designed to transform your love life with instant, easy fixes for common couple sex complaints. What if he prefers porn to having sex...
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