Tracey Cox

Should you stay in a sexless relationship?
Some low-libido couples happily decide to take sex off the table but the majority of us value regular sex and the intimacy that comes with it. If you’re not having sex and the problem isn’t looking like it’s going to...
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How to strip like a pro
Having your partner strip for you is a top fantasy for both men and women - but lots of us baulk at fulfilling it. Why? We're not only body conscious, we're worried we're going to look like a complete idiot....
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What does your sex fantasy say about you?
Just about everyone has sexual fantasies - and there are lots of reasons why. What happens in our heads is completely private. If no-one can see or hear what we’re thinking, there are no rules - we’re free to be...
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Ask me anything: seven quirky sex questions
I get asked run of the mill sex questions all the time - generally the same three questions by men (all penis related), the same three questions by women (mainly desire related). Now and then though, I get a particularly...
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