Tracey Cox

Can women really ejaculate through G-spot stimulation?
Mention ‘G-spot’ and you know the topic of ‘female ejaculation’ isn’t far behind. The reason why they sit so comfortably together, like two old friends, is because stimulation of the G-spot is what seems to cause women to ejaculate. The...
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Peaking: the technique that stops men climaxing too fast during intercourse
I once worked for a male online clinic that allowed men to ask sex and medical therapists anything they wanted to know about sex, anonymously. Anything! There were four experts, all of us waiting expectantly, fingertips poised over the keyboard...
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Here’s the answers to the four questions women most ask about orgasms
Last week, I did an interview with Rhalou Allerhand from netdoctor about women’s orgasms. The issues we touched on are universal and climax problems are something lots of women struggle with. In case you missed the original, here’s a sum...
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How to give her the best orgasm she’s ever had
If passing you a beer and getting naked whets your whistle, what does it for her? Try turning up with a champagne and chocolate dipped strawberries combo (or even plain old ordinary ones if you’ve left it to the last...
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