Tracey Cox

How to give a woman a (great) hand-job
Given the popularity of a blog I wrote a few weeks ago called ‘How to give him best hand-job he’s ever had’, I thought a female version was in order. Men are usually better at giving ‘hand-jobs’ to women because...
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Here’s how to do your own HIV test at home
The first legally approved HIV self-testing kit is now for sale in the UK which is fantastic news for anyone who’s ever had a bad experience getting a test in the past. ‘No questions. No labs. No waiting’ the BioSure...
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How to give him the best hand-job he’s ever had
As over-excited teenagers, a snog and someone’s hand fiddling around ‘down there’ was enough to make us faint with pleasure. Then along came oral sex and intercourse and both kissing and hand stimulation got struck off the agenda in favour...
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If you don’t fancy someone instantly, does it mean you never will?
A recent survey found one in four singles miss out on love because they’re obsessed with finding an instant connection. But despite lots of couples claiming ‘they knew’ the minute their future husband or wife walked in the room (forgetting...
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