Tracey Cox

The top 13 lust killers
You can’t have great sex if your relationship is in tatters. Identify the deadly sex poisons that could be threatening yours and get set to confront them head on. This is a ‘wake up and smell the coffee’ piece. Toxic...
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The 10 different sex personalities: what’s yours?
Forget everything you’ve ever heard about opposites attracting - in bed it’s far more helpful to be similar. It’s not just frequency you need to agree on, the type of sex you both want is just as crucial. Mismatched sexual...
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To bare or not to bare: the new etiquette for pubic hair, drunk sex and how much sex is enough sex?
So, most of you will know that I am now doing a weekly podcast with the award-winning US podcaster, Zibby Owens. Since we launched - 55 episodes ago - we've one so many awards, I've lost count. (I have at...
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Excuses, excuses: what to say if your partner won’t try new things in bed
You’re eagerly anticipating a feisty frolic, one hand hopefully hovering over your zip, and they say….no. OK, not quite what the sex therapist ordered but never fear, help is at hand! It’s natural to be a little resistant to change,...
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